Crook Peak

Mendip Way Sponsored Walk

What I did

A close friend, former colleague and walking companion (or at any rate, fellow-traveller in “thinly-disguised pub crawls”) of mine was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma. As a result, he was unable to join me on our planned walk along the Mendip Way in September 2023, but being a glutton for punishment I decided to go ahead on my own!

The final route comprised a walk of 56 miles with over 6,600ft of ascent, equivalent to walking once from my home in Colchester to London whilst climbing Snowdon twice — and all to be done with a disappointingly small number of beer stops en route. I thought it might take the edge off putting up with my own company for three days to know that some money was being raised for a good cause along the way!

The cause

Multiple myeloma affects around 5,000 people in the UK every year. For most people, myeloma responds well to initial treatment but unfortunately it almost always comes back.

The Matthew Wilson Multiple Myeloma Fund at Blood Cancer UK has an ambition to find a cure for multiple myeloma through investing in science and scientists. The fund will improve treatments, survival rates and quality of life for people living with multiple myeloma, and drive forward the day when we find a cure.

Since 1960 Blood Cancer UK has invested over £500 million into blood cancer research. Right now, the community is funding 360 researchers and staff across the UK who are searching for the next breakthrough. The day we will beat blood cancer is now in sight and the researchers are determined to finish the job.

The route

The Mendip Way runs the length of the limestone Mendip Hills in Somerset, starting on the coast at Weston-super-Mare and passing through Cheddar Gorge and the cathedral city of Wells before reaching its terminus at Frome. The stats and photos below are a record of my trip through this beautiful part of the country.

Your support

To say that I am overwhelmed with the support received would be an understatement: together we have already raised nearly £5,000 which exceeds my expectations tenfold. I don’t think I’m breaching a confidence to say that my friend, who is just starting the next stage of his treatment, is incredibly touched by good wishes shown. So from both of us, a huge thank you!

However, every little helps, so if you are reading this anew (or were waiting to see the photo evidence!) and now feel inspired to contribute with a donation small or large for this excellent cause, then please do visit my JustGiving page which will remain open until the end of September, or get in touch with me directly.